Upload Is Faster Than Download

  1. Upload Speed Faster Than Download Speed Reddit
  2. Download Speed Less Than Upload Speed
  3. Upload Speed Is Faster Than Download
  4. Upload Is Faster Than Download Speed

Upload speeds are generally slower than download speeds becauseof the fact that most internet connected equipment is asymmetric.Asymmetric means that any one packet of data can either go in, orout, but not both ways at the same time.

Since most internet users are receiving more data than sending,the internet connected equipment has shifted the higher majority ofthe signals to go toward downloading.

Both the 2.4 and 5ghz are on 20/40, only other option is strictly 20. Just tried connecting to the 2.4 band on the modem, download speed was about the same (7-8 mbps), while upload speed was significantly slower (.5 mbps via modem and 10+ mbps via router). My upload speed is more than twice as fast as my download speed. I have another computer on the same network and it does the upload and download at about the same speed. My laptop and iPhone download speed were more than 30 times slower than my desktop’s download speed! On the other hand, the upload speed was roughly the same on all.

Both the 2.4 and 5ghz are on 20/40, only other option is strictly 20. Just tried connecting to the 2.4 band on the modem, download speed was about the same (7-8 mbps), while upload speed was significantly slower (.5 mbps via modem and 10+ mbps via router).

If an internet provider allows your connection to be 5Mbdownload and 1Mb upload, this same connection is capable ofhandling 3Mb upload and 3 Mb download. But this would then slowdown the most important part of the internet, the receiving anddownloading of requested data.

What is a major characteristic of asymmetric Internet service Download speeds and upload speeds are equal Download speeds are faster than upload speeds Data traffic speeds are faster than voice?

Why adsl upload speeds slower than download speeds?

This is by design, and is reflected in the name - the A in ADSL stands for Asymmetric, reflecting the fact that the speed is not the same in both directions. There are both technical and marketing reasons for this. On the technical side, it is simpler to provide high speed in the download than the upload direction. On the marketing side, this allows companies to sell high download speeds to private customers for a… Read More

Why utorrent download speed is slower than my regular download speed?

Because the download speed of torrents is dependent on your peer's upload speeds, which are, in general, much less than your download speeds. Networks are often provisioned to offer much higher download speeds to users since the majority of traffic goes in that direction. Other potential reasons might be security measures or throttling on ports often used by torrent clients imposed by your ISP that might be slowing your connection (often the case in university… Read More

Why does it take longer to upload a video than to download one?

To download means to receive data to a local system from a remote system, or to initiate such a data transfer.To upload means to 'send' data to a local system from a remote system, or to initiate such a data transfer. It takes longer to upload than to download because the upload speed it 2x slower than that of the actual video. Then the uploader must process the data and extract all information from the… Read More

What is a difference between symmetrical and asymmetrical broadband?

If it's like the DSL terminology, these terms refer to the upload/download speeds. Symmetrical means that the upload (sending) speed is the same as the download (receiving) speed. Asymmetrical means that the upload and download speeds are not the same. This is the most common, especially for home use. Typically the download speed is faster than the upload speed (more data is usually downloaded than uploaded). If somebody was running a website or server, they… Read More

Why do torrents slow your internet connection?

Depending on your ISP and service plan, you receive a certain amount of bandwidth. This is the speed at which you can download or upload files to/from the internet. You cannot download or upload faster than this speed. Downloading data using torrents implicitly uses bandwidth, meaning downloads through other programs, or by other people on the network, will be slower. Read More

Is ddr2 slower than ddr3?

DDR2 is slower than DDR3 due to their difference in bandwidth. DDR3 has a higher bandwidth hence can transfer data at higher speeds than DDR2. Read More

Is 291 kbps download speed and 527 kbps upload speed fast internet?

It depends whether the speed is real or theoretical. That said, your asymmetrical speeds are highly irregular, as normally, download speeds are many times higher than upload speeds. To sum it up, though, 291/527 is not fast. It is high-speed, alright, in the sense that it is not dial-up. But as far as broadband internet speeds go, this is pretty slow. Five mbps would be fast. Anything about one is generally good. Anything below is… Read More

What is a term of ADSL?

ADSL stands for 'Asynchronous (or Asymmetric) Digital Subscriber Line.' It is a type of digital Internet communications carried over an analog line (POTS (Plain Old Telephone Service) or PTSN (Public Telephone Switched Network); they both refer to the same service). Typically, ADSL offers faster downstream communications and slower upstream communications, such as 8Mbit/1Mbit, which means the download speeds are eight times faster than the upload speeds (not including overhead and congestion). Read More

Why is world record for 100m swimming slower than for 100m sprinting?

Swimming speeds are slower than running speeds because of the higher viscosity of water, compared with air. And, because swimming uses muscles substantially less effective than the major leg muscles. [The average speed for the 200m running races is better than that for the 100m running race, because of the starting speeds not being instantaneous. ] Read More

How does broadband compare to local competitors?

Broadband computing typically provides a wider range of options as far as upload and download speeds than their local competitors. Typically, broadband allows you to find a package that suits your specific needs more easily. Read More

Can you download songs from your ipod onto a disc?

Upload the song to a computer, than insert the disc and download onto the disc. Read More

Which is faster a sailfish or a Dolphin?

A sailfish reaching speeds of 68 mph how evere still slower than a cheetah reaching speeds between 70 to 75 mph Read More

Are low compression golf balls better for slower club head speeds?

Yes. You will get the ball to squish into the face better if you have a slower clubhead speed than a power hitter. Read More

Is mars faster are slower than earth when you orbit around the sun?

Mars takes longer to make one orbit of the sun. Its slower, and it also has further to go. Planets orbiting speeds get slower the further you go out. Read More

Why are car crashes more dangerous at higher speeds than at lower speeds?

when your going fast you hit harder which causes more damage, but when your going slow you hit slower than you hit fast which cause less damage. Read More

Why does a lens bend light?

Light travels slower in glass than it does in air. The differential speeds of light are used to 'bend' light. Read More

How fast does a solar flare travel?

Solar flares travel at varying speeds. Some can travel at speeds of more than 1300 miles per seconds. generally, the larger the flare, the slower it moves. Read More

For what type of internet user upload bandwidth is be much much higher than download bandwidth?

Does convection travel at the speed of light?

No. Convection is much slower than the speed of light. Currents generally move at speeds that we can directly observe. Read More

Can you run multiple uTorrents to multiply your download and upload speeds If so How?

This guide at FileShareFreak shows how to run multiple instances of uTorrent. http://filesharefreak.com/2008/08/08/how-to-run-multiple-instances-of-utorrent-v177-v18/ However, that is not going to multiply your download and upload speeds and can only hurt your overall speeds and waste bandwidth. First of all your overall speeds are limited by the capacity of your internet connection. You can not get more speed than your connection has. Secondly, the higher your upload rate on a torrent the more download you will get… Read More

Have 128 kb download bandwidth and trying to download a torrent file with azureaus vuze with 4to5 seedin and 7to8 peers but your download is 3to4 KB max can neone explain why even when uploadn 30KB?

your bandwidth might be used by other programs or other downloads. your download speed might have been limited and also the seeders might have slow upload speeds and might be uploading many more files. the download speed depends more on the seeders bandwidth than the amount of peers. Read More

How fast does dacite lava flow compared to mafic lava?

Dacite lava flows at speeds orders of magnitude slower than mafic lava. Read More

What are behavioral adaptations of killer whales?

killer whales are usually cruise at much slower speeds, less than 13 kph ( 8 mph). Read More

What is the difference between the orbits and speeds of inner planets than outer planets?

the outer planets move more slower bbecause the orbits are bigger Read More

How do you Upload a picturce on Facebook?

If you had a good computer or mobile browser than you should upload your picture.I can help you.Go to google and type-'download grameenphone opera mini for mobile or computer' or go to search in ovi store and type-'opera mini web browser' and than go to facebook.Sign in and upload your picture. Read More

Is Long wavelength visible light have a speed that is slower than short wavelength light which one?

Upload Speed Faster Than Download Speed Reddit

In a vacum all wavelengths of light have the same speed of 3 x 10^8 m/s. However, in a medium like glass or water the speeds of light are different for different wavelengths and the longer wavelength has a higher speed then the shorter wavelength. Although both speeds are slower then their speeds in a vacum. Read More

How do you set up wordpress on 1and1 servers?

You have to download wordpress from wordpress.com than to upload and to install it on your hosting than to install a theme, like the ones from teslathemes.com Read More

Upload Is Faster Than Download

Why do carbonates decompose at different speeds?

Because some are more rective than others, the ones that are reactive decompose slower because they hod onto there ores. Read More

How you can download the image in your Friendster?

Friendster is more accurate than before. its simple click photos then see the uploads. Then you can upload your photos.. Read More

Can you make mobile broadband faster?

Probably but not without spending money. Also PayAsYouGo customers have slower speeds than Contract customers; that's fair ey? Read More

Is there are any password for rapidshare?

You have to create your own for your account UNLESS the total size of the files you want to download or upload is less than 100Mb. Read More

If you download your music straight to a jumpdrive will it slow down your computer?

It will not slow down your computer, but the process of writing the file to your drive is slower because it is normally slower to write straight to your hard disk than to your flash drive. So it may take longer to download the file. Read More

Is a bit bigger than a byte?

No there are 8 bits in 1 byte. Note: Coincidentally Internet speeds are measured in Megabits and not Megabytes which makes them 8 times slower than what people usually expect... Read More

What are disadvantages of video conferencing?

High Internet bandwidth requirements Internet download allowance is used up quickly If upload speed is slower than download speed then 1/2 the video conference is poor. Video conference with more than 3 sites usually requires a paid service. Each site for video needs good lighting, microphones and web camera. If the Internet is busy between the sites the video frame rate drops. Read More

Are radio waves faster or slower than visible light?

Radio waves and light are the same exact physical phenomenon, and differ only in their wavelength (frequency). Their speeds are identical. Read More

Why is backing up files to memory stick taking longer?


Flash Drives have a disadvantage to their hard drive counterparts in that a flash drive's writing time is slower than a hard drive. As such, you will notice a slower upload onto your flash device. Keep in mind, though, that flash drives tend to read data quicker than hard drives. Read More

Can you use your Blu-ray disk as a hard drive?

No. Although the maximum data transfer speed of blu-ray discs is much higher than that of DVD's, it's speed is much slower than a standard HDD (72MBit/sec compared to better than 1GBit/sec) and the writing speeds are slower, and seek times even slower. Using a rewritable blu-ray disc as a hard drive would be a very bad idea, indeed. Read More

What would cause car to make a high squeaking noise whenever you have the wheel turned slightly but only at speeds slower then 40mph?

It is most likely due to a loose power steering belt. If the steering wheel is hard to turn at speeds slower than 40mph or it gets harder the more you turn it and the squeaking noise happens when you turn the wheel, then you need to check the tension on the power steering belt. Read More

Did the earth ever orbited around the sun faster or slower than the speeds today?

It orbited slower in the past because the bigger a thing is, the stronger the gravity and the Sun is getting smaller so the gravitational pull of the Sun on Earth is weaker thus allowing the Earth to spin faster. Read More

Disadvantages of Java?

it slower than asp.net it slower than asp.net Read More

Slower than a canter?

The gait slower than a canter is the trot! Read More

Which tempo is slower than adagio?

What is slower than a sloth?

How long does it take for a torrent to download?

The torrent itself is only a small text file that takes only seconds to download. I assume your question is about the content associated with a torrent file and that varies greatly. There are several factors involved: The size of the content. Torrents vary greatly in size. Obviously a 30MB download has a different download time than a 3GB download. The speed of your internet connection. A 28kbps dial up connection is not going to… Read More

What type of wireless router do you need for the playstation 3?

Download Speed Less Than Upload Speed

Mostly any router will be able to give you more than enough speed to use all your bandwidth, although interference, thick walls, or other things that can decrease your speed or might cause problems or even cut off the connection. The main issue will be the upload speed, which is generally slower than the download. Again, as before this is not a problem with your router but your broadbands performance. Read More

What is the gprs class12?

gprs= general packet radio service and class 12 represents its version , with higher upload and download speed than that of class 10 gprs Read More

Upload Speed Is Faster Than Download

What is the difference between 3G and 4G coverage?

3G means the download speeds can reach up to 3mb per second. 4G means the speeds can be 100 times faster than 3G. 4g speeds are targeted to be in the 100Mb per second to 1 Gb per second range. Read More

What is faster than a bird but slower than a snail?

nothing. that is impossible because if it is faster than a bird, then it isn't slower than a snail. and if it is slower than a snail, then it isn't faster than a bird. Read More

Upload Is Faster Than Download Speed

Why do coral grow slower?