Yeah, unfortunately most of the older download links are dead and most of the torrents have no seeders. I'm looking for most of season 4, 5, 6, and 7 and a scattering of episodes through the rest of the series.
OR[ZombieKabuto] Game Center CX #264 - Captain Tsubasa Volume II: Super Striker (Famicom) [Part 2]. RAW Gamecenter CX Episodes? (self.gamecentercx) submitted 1 year ago by Geopoliticz. Does anybody know where I might be able to find Gamecenter CX episodes without subtitles and all the English bits? Part of my reasoning is that there might be. GameCenter CX (ゲームセンターCX, Gēmu Sentā Shī Ekkusu), also known as Retro Game. He also is featured in segments interspersed throughout the episodes where he goes to. Create a book Download as PDF Printable version. GameCenter CX season 22 episode 20 GameCenter CX (domestically imported as Retro Game Master) is a Japanese television series where Shinya Arino, a member of comedy duo Yoiko, plays Japan's most popular classic video games and records his progress. Game Center CX Episode 157 - The Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse! A NEW SUBBED EPISODE HAS BEEN RELEASED This is the first episode of Season 17, the 10th anniversary season! Game Center CX General Anonymous Sat May 25 19. I watched a couple of those episodes yesterday - they downloaded and played just fine. Software All Software latest This Just In Old School Emulation MS-DOS Games Historical Software Classic PC Games Software Library. Game Center CX 180 - Murderous Intent.mp4.mp4. DOWNLOAD OPTIONS download 1 file. ITEM TILE download. Download 1 file.

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Hey everyone. I've collected a bunch of English translated/subtitled episodes over the past six years or so and just wanted to see if there's anything out there that isn't uploaded or if anyone would like a second source now that the collection on was lost. I've started uploading most of the stuff I have and hope people help seed the torrents as well. I've posted a list below of the episodes I currently have so go ahead and leave a comment if you'd like anything uploaded first as I'll be going sequentially.
-.ass/.srt files are subtitles
-every episode has subtitles from SA-GCCX, LC-GCCX, or other fans
-separate episodes will be hosted via while full seasons will be torrented
-plans are to finish this list with links for each episode
-links and torrents will be updated if new translated episodes are released or if better quality raws are used
-most of Season 1 is low quality and has short episodes
-there are a few of the American dubbed episodes in here and if a subbed version was never made, chances are I don't have it either, however, I do prefer subbed and if the both were available then I'd have the subbed version rather than the dubbed version
Season 1 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Takeshi's Challenge.avi (111.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 02-Angelique Trois.avi (71.2MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Tekki.avi (46.9MB)
GameCenter CX - 04-Roommania.avi (30.5MB)
GameCenter CX - 05-Star Force.avi (84.2MB)
GameCenter CX - 06-Astro Robo SASA.avi (39.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 07-Galaga.avi (34.5MB)
GameCenter CX - 08-Door Door.avi (57.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 09-Konami.mp4 (301.4MB)
GameCenter CX - 09-Three Challenges.avi (103.6MB)
GameCenter CX - 10-Super Mario Bros.avi (168.4MB)
GameCenter CX - 11-Super Mario Bros 2.avi (245.2MB)
Season 2 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-The Mystery of Atlantis.avi (429.0MB)
GameCenter CX - 02-Challenger.avi (445.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Ghosts n Goblins.avi (466.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 04-Wai Wai World.avi (446.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 05-Metroid.avi (298.9MB)
GameCenter CX - 06-Solomon's Key.avi (378.4MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 07-Prince of Persia_1.avi (347.8MB)
GameCenter CX - 08-Prince of Persia_2.avi (347.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 09-Mega Man 2.avi (352.5MB)
GameCenter CX - 10-Super Mario Bros 3.avi (397.5MB)
Season 3 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-JJ & Jeff.avi (356.9MB)
GameCenter CX - 02-Takeshi's Castle.ass (125.0KB)
GameCenter CX - 02-Takeshi's Castle.avi (548.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Tokimeki Memorial.avi (493.9MB)
GameCenter CX - 04-Famicom Jump.avi (548.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 05-Doki Doki Panic.avi (466.2MB)
GameCenter CX - 06-Phoenix.avi (548.4MB)
GameCenter CX - 07-Super Mario World_1.avi (493.0MB)
GameCenter CX - 08-Super Mario World_2.avi (466.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 09-Milon's Secret Castle.avi (446.2MB)
GameCenter CX - 10-Legend of Zelda A Link to the Past.avi (455.4MB)
Game Center Cx Episodes

Season 4 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Ultraman.avi (475.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 02-Final Fight.avi (525.0MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Adventure Island.avi (467.6MB)
GameCenter CX - 04-Actraiser.avi (439.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 05-Quiz Tonosama no Yabou.avi (467.6MB)
GameCenter CX - 06-Doraemon.avi (471.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 07-Super Mario 64_1.avi (468.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 08-Super Mario 64_2.avi (468.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 09-Ninja Gaiden Directors Cut.flv (293.9MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 10-Kid Icarus.avi (487.7MB)
Season 5 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Umihara Kawase.avi (466.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 02-Contra.avi (511.9MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Bonanza Bros.flv (214.9MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 04-Ghouls n Ghosts.mkv (474.9MB)
GameCenter CX - 05-Princess Tomato in the Salad Kingdom.avi (630.8MB)
GameCenter CX - 06-Shadow Land.avi (471.7MB)
Season 6 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Street Fighter II.avi (485.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 02-Castlevania III.avi (484.9MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Mighty Bomb Jack.flv (313.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 04-Gargoyle's Quest.mp4 (258.5MB)
GameCenter CX - 05-Mighty Bomb Jack Live.avi (470.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 06-Adventure Quiz Hatena's Quest.avi (494.0MB)
GameCenter CX - 07-SOS.flv (275.2MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 08-Bio Miracle I'm Upa.avi (480.7MB)
Season 7 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Ultra Seven.avi (446.2MB)
GameCenter CX - 02-Mega Man.avi (470.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Wagan Land.avi (511.6MB)
GameCenter CX - 04-Out of This World.avi (428.8MB)
GameCenter CX - 05-Legend of the Mystical Ninja.avi (462.8MB)
GameCenter CX - 06-Special TamaGe in South Korea.avi (525.4MB)
GameCenter CX - 07-Sword of Musashi.avi (511.6MB)
GameCenter CX - 08-Super Ghouls n Ghosts.avi (594.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 09-Clock Tower.avi (455.8MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 10-Quest of Ki_1.avi (677.4MB)
Season 8 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Quest of Ki_2.avi (480.8MB)
GameCenter CX - 02-Flashback.avi (553.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Wonderboy in Monster Land.avi (553.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 04-Masked Ninja Hanamaru.avi (498.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 05-Super Fantasy Zone.flv (204.3MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 06-Bonk's Adventure.avi (482.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 07-Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido.avi (429.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 08-Kid Dracula.ass (111.4KB)
GameCenter CX - 08-Kid Dracula.avi (489.2MB)
Season 9 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Sonic the Hedgehog.avi (486.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 02-Special Business Trip in Cannes.avi (563.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Special Super Mario Bros & Dr Mario.avi (737.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 04-Zombie Nation.avi (555.8MB)
GameCenter CX - 05-The Wing of Madoola.flv (268.5MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 06-Legacy of the Wizard.mp4 (637.4MB)
Season 10 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Dragon Ball.avi (826.2MB)
GameCenter CX - 02-Atomic Runner.avi (919.8MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Yuuyu's Quiz de GoGo.avi (654.2MB)
GameCenter CX - 04-Lemmings.mkv (333.5MB)
GameCenter CX - 05-First Samurai.avi (608.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 06-Donkey Kong Country_1.avi (758.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 07-Donkey Kong Country_2.avi (631.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 08-Fatal Fury Special.avi (481.5MB)
Season 11 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Fukuoka Trip & Retro Game Challenge 2.avi (552.2MB)
GameCenter CX - 02-Layla.avi (543.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Kirby's Adventure.mkv (584.0MB)
GameCenter CX - 04-Battle Golfer Yui.flv (302.4MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 05-Mega Man 3_1.avi (367.2MB)
GameCenter CX - 06-Mega Man 3_2.avi (499.8MB)
GameCenter CX - 07-Super Gussun Oyoyo.mp4 (882.8MB)
GameCenter CX - 08-The Genji and Heike Clans.avi (698.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 09-Punch-Out.avi (475.5MB)
GameCenter CX - 10-Golden Axe.flv (224.5MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 11-Dig Dug 2.avi (548.5MB)
GameCenter CX - 12-Lemmings Live.ass (119.2KB)
GameCenter CX - 12-Lemmings Live.avi (480.7MB)
Season 12 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Dragon Buster.avi (554.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 02-Kid Kool.avi (554.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Shiren the Wanderer_1.mp4 (243.0MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 04-Shiren the Wanderer_2.mp4 (280.0MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 05-Go By Train.avi (721.8MB)
GameCenter CX - 06-Street Fighter 2010.avi (694.4MB)
GameCenter CX - 07-Ninja Gaiden II_1.avi (582.6MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 08-Ninja Gaiden II_2.avi (572.6MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 09-Pilotwings.avi (566.9MB)
GameCenter CX - 10-Rainbow Islands.avi (705.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 11-Wrecking Crew.avi (704.8MB)
Download Game Center Cx Episodes Online
Season 13 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Golgo 13.mkv (416.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 02-Super Puyo Puyo.avi (481.4MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Koshien.mp4 (251.0MB)
GameCenter CX - 04-GeGeGe no Kitaro.avi (647.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 05-Hokkaido Serial Murders.avi (500.6MB)
Season 14 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Paris Dakar Rally Special.avi (511.4MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 02-Smart Ball.avi (677.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time_1.avi (536.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 04-Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time_2.avi (573.6MB)
GameCenter CX - 05-Super Star Force.avi (636.5MB)
GameCenter CX - 06-Ninja Spirit.avi (636.6MB)
GameCenter CX - 07-Night of the Sickle Weasel.avi (506.9MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 08-Mega Man 4_1.avi (636.2MB)
GameCenter CX - 09-Mega Man 4_2.avi (636.2MB)
GameCenter CX - 10-Tower of Babel.avi (677.7MB) - Download

Season 15 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Mr Gimmick.mp4 (1.48GB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 02-F-Zero_1.avi (559.8MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 03-F-Zero_2.avi (565.0MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 04-Tant-R.mp4 (1.47GB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 05-Bio-Warrior Dan.avi (572.9MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 06-Comix Zone.avi (677.8MB)
GameCenter CX - 07-Kirby's Dream Course.avi (561.9MB)
GameCenter CX - 08-Metal Storm.avi (723.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 09-Child Rearing Quiz My Angel.avi (511.8MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 10-Super Spy Hunter.mp4 (405.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 11-Pac-Man 2.avi (553.5MB)
GameCenter CX - 12-Strider.mp4 (570.4MB)
GameCenter CX - 13-Flying Dragon.mp4 (445.5MB)
GameCenter CX - 14-Saint Seiya.mp4 (399.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 15-Mito Koumon.avi (579.9MB)
GameCenter CX - 16-Battletoads_1.avi (553.4MB)
GameCenter CX - 17-Battletoads_2.avi (511.6MB)
GameCenter CX - 18-Detective Saburou Jinguuji.avi (553.3MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 19-Alex Kidd in Miracle World.mp4 (590.9MB)
GameCenter CX - 20-Gradius.mp4 (557.7MB)
Season 16 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Kung Fu Heroes.mp4 (807.5MB)
GameCenter CX - 04-Full Speed Delivery Boy.avi (672.6MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 07-Pilotwings Live in Iwate.avi (597.2MB)
GameCenter CX - 09-Famicom Detective Club.mp4 (355.7MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 10-Karnov.mp4 (589.5MB)
GameCenter CX - 11-Legend of the River King 2.mp4 (884.4MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 12-Pulseman.mp4 (1.0GB)
GameCenter CX - 13-Kickle Cubicle.mp4 (1.3GB)
GameCenter CX - 14-PaRappa the Rapper.avi (772.7MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 15-Mansion of Hidden Souls.mkv (668.6MB)
GameCenter CX - 16-Yoshi's Island_1.avi (871.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 17-Yoshi's Island_2.avi (825.5MB)
GameCenter CX - 18-Metro-Cross_1.mp4 (605.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 19-Metro-Cross_2.mp4 (687.3MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 20-Space Hunter.mp4 (558.4MB)
Season 17 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Magical Quest Starring Mickey Mouse.mp4 (885.3MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 02-Power Pad Jogging Race.avi (764.9MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.avi (819.0MB)
GameCenter CX - 04-Blaster Master.avi (1.2GB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 05-Derby Stallion.avi (804.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 06-Donkey Kong Country 2_1.mp4 (748.7MB)
GameCenter CX - 07-Donkey Kong Country 2_2.mp4 (771.4MB)
GameCenter CX - 08-Donkey Kong Country 2_3.mp4 (729.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 10-Shadow of the Ninja.avi (1.1GB)
GameCenter CX - 11-Sky Kid.avi (943.0MB)
GameCenter CX - 13-Rocky Rodent.mp4 (643.5MB)
GameCenter CX - 16-Arino's Challenge in Budokan.mp4 (862.2MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 17-Oishinbo the Ultimate Menu Three Course Showdown.mp4 (333.5MB) - Download
GameCenter CX - 19-Nosferatu_1.mp4 (495.0MB)
GameCenter CX - 20-Nosferatu_2.mp4 (544.4MB)
Season 18 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-Tatsunoko Fighter.mp4 (562.6MB)
GameCenter CX - 02-Mega Man X_1.mp4 (604.2MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Mega Man X_2.mp4 (520.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 04-Hierarchy of Murderous Intent.mp4 (324.1MB)
GameCenter CX - 05-Gunstar Heroes.mp4 (939.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 08-Super Mario Land.mp4 (1.5GB)
GameCenter CX - 15-Crazy Climber.mkv (679.5MB)
GameCenter CX - 18-Wizards and Warriors.mkv (2.02GB)
Download Game Center Cx Episodes 2017
Season 19 - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - 01-IQ Intelligent Qube_1.mp4 (771.0MB)
GameCenter CX - 02-IQ Intelligent Qube_2.mp4 (721.3MB)
GameCenter CX - 03-Quiz Nanairo Dreams.mp4 (670.4MB)
DVD Challenges, Extras, Nintendo Channel, Specials, and GameCenter DX - Download Torrent - Mirror
GameCenter CX - DVD01-Transformers Mystery of Convoy.avi (219.2MB)
GameCenter CX - DVD02-Ikki.mp4 (379.4MB)
GameCenter CX - DVD04-Bomberman.ass (139.4KB)
GameCenter CX - DVD04-Bomberman.avi (580.2MB)
GameCenter CX - DVD07-Binary Land.avi (400.1MB)
GameCenter CX - DVD11RE-Legend of the Mystical Ninja.mp4 (108.0MB)
GameCenter CX - DVD12RE-The Genji and the Heike Clans.mp4 (121.5MB)
GameCenter CX - EX-24 Hour Early Morning Comedy.avi (152.5MB)
GameCenter CX - EX-Catch Copy Special_1.avi (99.4MB)
GameCenter CX - EX-Genki TV Interview.avi (341.3MB)
GameCenter CX - EX-Last Continue.avi (83.1MB)
GameCenter CX - EX-Pokemon Red and Green Vol. 1.mp4 (177.5MB)
GameCenter CX - EX-Pokemon Red and Green Vol. (41.6KB)
GameCenter CX - EX-Pokemon Special.avi (729.7MB)
GameCenter CX - EX-Ring Ring Tactics.avi (600.8MB)
GameCenter CX - EX-The People in My Head.mp4 (84.4MB)
GameCenter CX - NC03-Star Force.avi (94.2MB)
GameCenter CX - NC04-Downtown Special.avi (115.9MB)
GameCenter CX - NC05-Splatterhouse.avi (133.4MB)
GameCenter CX - NC07-Super Mario Kart.ass (24.4KB)
GameCenter CX - NC07-Super Mario Kart.mp4 (37.3MB)
GameCenter CX - NC09-Super Metroid_1.mp4 (118.7MB)
GameCenter CX - NC09-Super Metroid_2.mp4 (119.1MB)
GameCenter CX - NC09-Super Metroid_3.mp4 (115.1MB)
GameCenter CX - NC11-Excitebike 3D.mp4 (102.0MB)
GameCenter CX - NC15-Kirby Super Star.avi (176.6MB)
GameCenter CX - NC17-Balloon Fight_1.avi (145.9MB)
GameCenter CX - NC18-Balloon Fight_2.avi (339.3MB)
GameCenter CX - NC19-Fire Emblem Mystery of the Emblem.avi (778.4MB)
GameCenter CX - NC20-EarthBound.avi (379.8MB)
GameCenter CX - NC21-NES Remix.avi (472.3MB)
GameCenter CX - NC23-Super Mario Maker.mp4 (330.2MB)
GameCenter CX - SP01-Northernmost Game Travelogue_1.avi (116.7MB)
GameCenter CX - SP01-Northernmost Game Travelogue_2.avi (136.4MB)
GameCenter CX - SP01-Northernmost Game Travelogue_3.avi (151.3MB)
GameCenter CX - SP01-Northernmost Game Travelogue_4.avi (159.8MB)
GameCenter CX - SP02-Retro Game Challenge Special.avi (694.9MB)
GameCenter CX - SP03-Southernmost Game Travelogue.avi (417.7MB)
GameCenter CX - SP04-In USA & Robocop.avi (1.1GB)
GameCenter CX - SP05-Dullest New Years Special 2012.avi (120.5MB)
GameCenter CX - SP06-GameCenter CX in Cambodia.avi (1.8GB)
GameCenter CX - SP07-Takeshi's Challenge Live.avi (1.1GB)
GameCenter CX - SP08-Lemmings Live Non Challenge Parts.avi (437.7MB)
GameCenter CX - SP10-Pilotwings Live Non Challenge Parts.avi (377.5MB)
GameCenter CX - SP12-GameCenter CX in Paris.avi (1.7GB)
GameCenter CX - SP13-Arino's Challenge in Budokan.mp4 (1.1GB)
GameCenter CX - SP14-Mario 30th Anniversary.mp4 (455.8MB)
GameCenter CX - SP15-GameCenter CX in Vietnam.mp4 (1.0GB)
GameCenter DX - 01-Yoshi's Wooly World.mp4 (451.2MB)