If I just bought a game on Playstation Network can I download it on an other PS4 and play with another account?
I tried it with PS3 and it didn't work, so I asked myself maybe they fixed something new.
PS4 Red Dead Redemption 2 SaveGame 71%. Hello his a save that is not 100% my main story and finished (71%) i will put the backup up to date for max money. Save wizard and obligatory to do the manipulation. Tuto exists to have a complete crack folder version (if you have a problem leave a comment I would answer). Save Game file download. Add Tip Ask Question Comment Download. Step 2: Insert External Drive. When I connect it in another PS4, it says that does not exist any files into USB:/ 2 replies 0. Vikaram pbarbas. Reply 4 years ago. But then add your account on thier ps4? Would the game be able to run? 3 years ago on Introduction.
deutschZuidBut today while trying to transfer the files to my PS4 using this method, I keep getting “Download failed” on my PS4 for Borderlands Collection, Farcry 4 and Assassin’s Creed 4 (games are larger than 4 GB so many files are used), but Journey (the game is below 4 GB) was transferred and installed successfully without any problem. Red Dead Redemption 2 PS4 Torrent Download Published by Games Torrents - Posted in PS4 5 Fraghero received an email from a reader who wishes to remain anonymous claiming that the game has been in development for over 4 years and is in fact called Red Dead Redemption 2: Legends Of The West.
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1 Answer
How To Get Free Ps4 Games
Yes, you can. To do this, the account that bought the game must set the second PS4 as its 'primary' PS4. (Settings --> PSN --> 'Activate as Your Primary PS4'
) Anyone on the second PS4 will be able to play games that your main account has downloaded to it. Your main account can still download and play its games on any PS4 by simply signing in and downloading them, so setting the second PS4 as your 'primary' one won't change anything for you on the first PS4.
Ps4 Had To Download Game Files 2017