- How To Make My Torrent Download Faster
- How To Make Utorrent Faster
- Best Utorrent Settings For Speed
- How To Make Torrent Download Faster For Windows
- How To Make Torrent Download Faster For Mac
You want to download faster?
Make sure that
- you use Good settings for high download speed
- you don't have a NAT problem
- you don't use a standard incoming listen port like 6881
- you use Good Torrents
- you do NOT use Force Start
- Increase Download Speed with Healthy Torrents. Setup guide will make any adjustments to your settings to help improve your download speed. I'm only using broadband, I'm downloading a movie, I want to download it to fastest speed.
- To increase torrent downloads increase your upload capacity to max, enable port forwarding if you have a router hub or firewall that blocks ports, and download torrents with a lot of seeds. Related How To: Make uTorrent 1.8.2 download faster.
- Speed Up uTorrent Downloads by Allotting More Bandwidth to the Torrent When you are downloading multiple torrents at the same time, you can allot more bandwidth to the one that you want to finish faster.
- Nov 27, 2018 - 1. First set your upload limit to minimum. Download the file which has greater number of seeders and less number of leechers.
How To Make Torrents Download Faster Utorrent 221. December 29, 2017.
Just click all those links and read the info carefully... After reading that you may ask questions about that topic in the forums.
Test the speed before complaining[edit]
If you get green smileys as torrents' 'Health', then you know that your basic network settings are ok. However, that doesn't guarantee speedy transfers.
It is good to understand that
- there is no central server from which you download. Everything that users download, is at the same time uploaded by users
- you contact other users for your downloads
- respectively, others should be able to contact you (NAT & port forwarding to be configured)
It is quite possible with a 'new' torrent or an one with 'small' swarm (only a few peers), that the missing pieces are not available. So, it is quite possible that torrent remains active with 'downloading' status, but is not actively downloading anything as there is nobody to download from.
Before thinking that your configuration is slow, test it with a 'known speedy' torrent. E.g. the following torrent has very high speed: http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-11.04-desktop-i386.iso.torrent
It is a Ubuntu Linux distribution, which has lots of seeders, and you should reach your internet connection's maximum speed in most cases (especially with ADSL/cable home connections). Speeds well over 10 Mbit/s (= 1 MB/s as Vuze sees it) should be reachable. You don't have to download the 700 MB torrent completely, but you can use it as a test case for measuring maximum speeds of genuine torrents.
Another user complete download = faster download for you[edit]
Another reason for uploading is simply to help fill everyone up. By doing this you prevent someone, who is seeding, trying to upload a part you already have (and which is useless for you). The chance that he then uploads a piece you need becomes greater. This will not result directly in increasing speed but it will optimize the uploader's upload which results in you getting your piece sooner since you no longer need to wait for a piece. Think of it as a reverse Zero Sum game.
More Things To Know[edit]
It is very important to know that, when you are seeding, or uploading a torrent, the u/l speed of your sharing is not the only thing using your upstream bandwidth. Requests made to the tracker, browser requests to load web pages, and sending email all utilise your upstream capacity. So you may experience the following difficulties when running Azureus.
- 'Unable to locate server...' error message whilst browsing the web
- Connection problems
- Other web related issues
If you find yourself having problems with the Internet while Azureus is running, try further lowering your max upload.
The point of this section is to explain that when configuring your maximum u/l setting in Azureus, it is best not to set it to use all of your upstream capacity. Rather, it is best to set it to use a maximum of 80% of your total upstream bandwidth.
A note on ADSL speeds using PPPoE:[edit]
An ADSL connection using PPPoE has reduced usable bandwidth compared to the theoretical bandwidth that is purchased. In my experience a theoretical 512kb/s dl product has overheads due to the PPPoE encapsulation that limits the connection to about 400kb/s max. This means the limit before applying the suggestions above should be 400/512 ≈ 78% of the theoretical bandwidth. This logic applies in both directions. So Azureus DL max would be:
How To Make My Torrent Download Faster
80% × 78% × 512kb/s ≈ 319kb/s; 319kb/s ÷ 8 B/b ≈ 40 kB/s if Azureus is the only Internet application.Reduce this somewhat to allow other Internet protocols better response on the same connection.
A tip for RcvWin/TcpWindowSize tweakers[edit]
When you are using a Windows OS you can also use the TCP Optimizer to optimize several system settings for your line speed.
'I've most often seen [poor performance] with people running on Windows who 'tweak'their TCP send and receive buffers to be very large in search of higherbandwidth. Buffered data is obsolete data and causes serious problemsin the responsiveness of the protocol to changes in the peer state.Since data and requests share the same TCP socket, buffering lots ofdata means that your request for a block may have to wait 10's ofseconds before it even gets transmitted, by which time the peer you aretalking to may have decided that you aren't interested in his data afterall, or your own client may decide that the peer you are talking to issnubbing you. Either of these is disastrous to download rates.'
- taken from the BitTorrent developer mailing list
Final Note:[edit]
Trackers get uncountable numbers of requests made on them every day. I have seen that some people think that clicking on the 'Manual Update' button will somehow increase their speeds or make an offline tracker come back online quicker. It Will Not. Clicking on the Manual Update button is for last resort checking when there is a connection problem On Your End. For example, if you are using a proxy for your tracker requests, you may need to perform some manual announces to verify that the proxy is working while you play with the settings. Also, some private trackers require peers to be logged in on their web page before they can connect to the tracker, adding the IP they logged in from to a whitelist. In this case it may be necessary to announce manually after you log in.
In any case, the more you click on the Manual Update button, the more this will destabilize the tracker, and cause it to go offline for everybody. So for the most part, Leave the Manual Update button alone, and your speeds will recover by themselves (unless there are other issues, but anyway, this button will not help to fix those either).
Read the Azureus FAQ
If you say the word “torrent” to many computer users, the immediate association is “pirating”. And it’s true that torrenting has gotten a very bad reputation in the public mind, with the assumption being that downloading any torrent is illegal. While there are a lot of pirate sites out there using torrenting to illegally distribute content, torrenting as a technology is a perfectly legitimate way to share large files online, and there are many torrents out there that are totally legal to use. People shared large files using the BitTorrent protocol for years, long before software piracy became the big thing it is today. A lot of large software distributions (like Linux OS packages) use torrents to get the software to end users.
It is therefore important to realize that using BitTorrent or uTorrent (or any other torrenting client) is not illegal in and of itself. Using them will not, in and of itself, get you thrown in jail, banned by your ISP, or copyright trolled. However, if you use the protocol to share copyrighted media (and if you have bad luck or are careless), those things might happen. With that out of the way, let’s get to the good stuff. In this article I will give you a brief tutorial on how to make uTorrent faster. The examples I give all use uTorrent, but if you use a different client, most of these procedures will still work, you’ll just have to find the equivalent settings in your client.
Speeding up torrent downloads with uTorrent
Quick Links
- Speeding up torrent downloads with uTorrent
- Streamline queueing
uTorrent is a torrenting client that works on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. uTorrent is free, though there are premium versions available for Windows that add some bells and whistles; the free versions are perfectly adequate for anyone who just wants to share some files. uTorrent isn’t the only torrent tracker out there but it is one of the most popular. It has been around for years and is the torrent client of choice for millions of people across the world. However, it isn’t well-optimized “out of the box”, and there are some things you can to do make it faster.
Attention All Streamers: Here's a few facts for you about the potential dangers of streaming online while unprotected:
How To Make Utorrent Faster
- Your ISP has a direct window into everything you view and stream on the web
- Your ISP is now LEGALLY allowed to sell that information about what you view
- Most ISPs don't want to deal with lawsuits directly, so oftentimes they will pass along your viewing information to protect themselves, further compromising your privacy.
The only way to protect your viewing and identity in the 3 above scenarios is by using a VPN. By streaming content directly through your ISP, you potentially expose everything you view on the internet to both them, as well as those who's interest they might be protecting. A VPN protects that. Follow these 2 links and you'll be streaming securely in no time:

- ExpressVPN is our VPN of choice. They are extremely fast and their security is top notch. Get 3 months free for a limited time
- Learn How To Install a VPN on Your Fire TV Stick
Let it through your firewall
Best Utorrent Settings For Speed
The first thing you should do when installing uTorrent is to click yes when it asks you if you want to ‘Add an exception for uTorrent in Windows Firewall’. If you hit no or don’t use Windows Firewall, you still need to let uTorrent through.
If using Windows Firewall:
- Open uTorrent and select Preferences.
- Navigate to Connections and check the box next to ‘Add Windows Firewall exception’.
- Open your firewall software and allow uTorrent traffic to pass freely through.
Do not be tempted to turn off your firewall when torrenting, as this opens your computer up to malware and all sorts of threats. If you use a router with firewall, you will need to configure this too.
Add more or faster seeders and peers
How To Make Torrent Download Faster For Windows
Torrenting works by distributing a file across dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of seeders and peers. Seeders are computers that have the complete file available for upload. Peers are computers that are still in the process of downloading the file. When a new peer joins the system and is looking for a file, the torrenting software breaks the file into many tiny chunks. The software then looks for peers that have already obtained the chunks that the new peer still needs, and if they have it, the other peers upload it to the new peer. If none of the peers have the chunk, then the system goes and gets it from one of the seeds (which have all the chunks).
This system keeps the seeds from being overwhelmed by requests, and once the peers collectively have all of the chunks of the file, then new peers joining can get the file very quickly because it is available from many different sources instead of just a few seeds. For this reason, the more seeds and the more peers a torrent already has, the quicker any new members of the network will be able to download the file. When a peer finishes downloading the entire file, it becomes another seed and can further enhance the download speed.
Torrent websites don’t actually keep the original file themselves. Instead, they have trackers, a file that describes all the chunks of the original file. The tracker also keeps track of how many seeds and peers are working with the specified file (which always starts with one seed, the original file owner). So when you go to a torrent website, it will show you how many seeds and how many peers are already working with the file. It’s almost always a good idea to select the torrent with the highest number of seeders and peers to get that file faster. Higher numbers also are a good general indicator that a particular torrent has high-quality content – people are voting with their feet.)
Allocate the correct bandwidth
While it might seem counterintuitive, allocating too much bandwidth to torrents can slow them down. You need to get the ratio right if you are to get the most throughput.
- Open uTorrent and select Options.
- Navigate to Preferences and Connection.
- Check the box next to ‘Apply rate limit to transport overhead’.
- Change Maximum Number of Global Connections to 2329.
- Change Maximum Number of Peers Connected to 257.
- Change Number of Upload Slots Per torrent to 14.
- Change Maximum upload rate to 14.
Change the port
Port allocation for uTorrent defaults to somewhere between 6881 and 6999. Most people know this, and most ISPs know it too. Accordingly, many ISPs throttle these ports so that torrenting traffic won’t burden their network. If your ISP throttles these ports, it makes sense to change them. The recommendation is to change the port to something over 10000 to avoid both throttling and conflicts within your computer.
- Open uTorrent and select Options.
- Navigate to Preferences and Connection.
- Change the port to a number between 10000 and 12000.
Streamline queueing
Queueing sets up several torrents to download one after the other. Setting this up correctly enables you to maximize throughput. It’s a small but very effective tweak. While your computer or phone is waiting for packets from one torrent, it can send out requests for packets from another.
- Open uTorrent and select Options.
- Navigate to Preferences and Queueing.
- Set Maximum Number of Active Torrents to 10.
- Set Maximum Number of Active Downloads to 10.
- Set Seeding Global Minimum Ratio to 0.
Prioritize a torrent
My final tips for speeding up uTorrent is to prioritize the download you want first. This gives that file first choice of bandwidth and resources so will download faster if the seeds and peers are capable of it.
How To Make Torrent Download Faster For Mac
- Right click a torrent within the main uTorrent window.
- Select Bandwidth Allocation and then High.
- Right click the other torrents you have in progress.
- Select Bandwidth Allocation and then Low.
If you don’t switch the others to low, nothing will happen as uTorrent will already be using all the resources allocated to it.
Add more trackers
Remember we talked about the tracker, the file that keeps track of who is seeding and who is downloading the underlying file? Well, you aren’t limited to just one tracker. You can tell uTorrent to check a whole list of trackers to find more seeds and peers. There are constant updates to the various lists of public trackers; that link is current as of March 2019. To use the list, copy the text of the list into your cut and paste buffer. Right-click the torrent name in uTorrent and select Properties. In the “trackers” section, paste the list and in a little while you’ll start seeing your seed and peer count go up, along with your download speed.
Those are just a few ways you can make uTorrent faster. As long as there are enough quality seeds and peers and you have everything set up correctly, your torrents should now come flying down. Any bottlenecks or slow downloads will be at the other end, not yours!
Do you have any techniques for speeding up torrent downloads? Share them with us in the comments below!
We’ve got more resources for torrenting fans.
Here’s our guide to the whole torrenting process.
Want to torrent to your iPhone? See our tutorial on using torrents on iOS. If Android’s your game, then we’ve got a guide for downloading torrents to Android as well.
You need a torrent search engine to find the files you want – check out our guide to the best torrent search sites.
You can even download torrents directly to Google Drive!
If uTorrent doesn’t meet your needs, see our guide to the best torrent clients out there.